Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AbOuT mE....

hye everybody...do u know me??? em,i dont think so because this is my first time to join the blog and be a blogger..hehehe..ok..let me introduce about myself..my name is Mohd Hisham B. Sulaiman..usually ,all of my friend call me "Sham" only..em, what that magnetic about me was, I this jovial its people..but my facial expression not express that..do not know why..hehe.. if you want to know,i like to singing..no matter wherever..even though I are inside toilet, I will sing..that is special about me..huhu..I know my voice unlike Jamal, but may be almost Mawi..huhu ..just joking..I am second child from four sibling..and I very attached with my mother..mother's child lah say ..huhu..know i study in ukm in language learning..so,if you inquisitive more on I ,always to surf surf our blog..k..the topic that we all will discuss is about "BLOGGER"...


  1. Dear Sham..

    thanks for being the man who care bout this...

  2. em thanx for your comment...i'll appreciate it =)
