Sunday, August 23, 2009

How important is the blog today

hye you all...this is the fourth question for our blog..hmm,let's us disccuss about how important the blog today?

How is blog abused?

Instead of being as a medium to express opinion,spread news or sharing information,some of bloggers has misused the blog.They used blog to make a slander and spread a bad news.Why are this things happened?Why people misused the blog?Share your opinion here!

What type of blog in the world?

hello my friend.. now let me give question to all.. did u have blog? are u are blogger or not? if yes, what type of blog your write? For my observation,the type of blog can be divide to many types such as blog for sport, entertainment, movie, documentary and others.. What type of blog your write?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Why the bloggers used blog as medium to express their opinion?

Here's come the second research questions for our group. Wonder why bloggers used blog as a medium to express their opinion? Let discuss it!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

AbOuT mE....

hye u know me??? em,i dont think so because this is my first time to join the blog and be a blogger..hehehe..ok..let me introduce about name is Mohd Hisham B. Sulaiman..usually ,all of my friend call me "Sham" only..em, what that magnetic about me was, I this jovial its people..but my facial expression not express not know why..hehe.. if you want to know,i like to matter wherever..even though I are inside toilet, I will sing..that is special about me..huhu..I know my voice unlike Jamal, but may be almost Mawi..huhu ..just joking..I am second child from four sibling..and I very attached with my mother..mother's child lah say ..huhu..know i study in ukm in language,if you inquisitive more on I ,always to surf surf our blog..k..the topic that we all will discuss is about "BLOGGER"...

What are the differrence of bloggers?

This is the first research questions of this group assignment. As we know, there's a lot of bloggers out there, that have a differrences between them. What are the differrences between this bloggers? Is it the way of their writing made them differrent? Or the topic that their bring made them differrent? Well, let discuss this and make it intresting yet debatable!

Sunday, August 9, 2009



what is so special about me? I am just an average student who has several good friends to hang out with (love you all my friends.). Well, my name is Noramira bt Jalil. But normal people just call me Ira. I'm 20 years old. Born in Terengganu but now i further my study at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in Communication and public policy...I'm a good girl.. Haha... The girl who are so simple, who live a simple life and who want to search more friends. My status? married... haha... Just kidding ok? I think it's to early for me to have a husband, neither a child... huhu... I am still single. I'm a stronger person(don't ever show me your muscle.. haha..). But one thing i hate the most!! people who didn't care about others (quite hate this type of person). I love to sleep, enjoy listening the musics, shopping(the best part of my life!!), surfing the web for hours..(guess what!! i;m a 20 years olld student you know), can't live without my phone(that's my life...). I have a lot of friends as well as enemies.. haha.. But one thing for sure, I love my family and myself!! Hehe.. sometimes i'm moody and i'm stubborn(the bad part of myself. i'm a normal people ok??). Then only this that I can brief about myself. see you next time.. huhu.. thanks. may Allah bless you and don't forget to smile :-) anytime, anywhere. So one word you should know, "LifeMust Go On!!!".